The Ultimate Method
"When fun meets the truth"
I would have given this title to this my new review, but later I thought to call it "The Ultimate Method" just because it's more attractive.
Please read all before judge.
No, I'm not joking. I discovered the Ultimate Method and now I'm here to show it to you.
After months of study, screentime, price action observations I finally found how to enjoy a long-term success in the forex market, and even in all other markets!
Like a lot of other traders, I was looking for the holy grail system. Here follow a screenshot of the best I've ever created:

Don't you see how much accurate are entry and exits rules are? That was almost a piece of art... however I was looking for something more... the legendary holy grail system.
I tried to switch the timeframe to H4 then to weeks. I opened a trade the last year and it's still running on my MT4 platform, but I think I'll be able to bring back home about 50 pips closing it the next month. Not a good deal anyway.
I studied charts for over six months, 7 days a week, 20 hours a day... and I was very angry... no holy grail at all...
So... Why the hell some trader are able to make a lot of money with forex? How?!?
One night, I was very tired so I didn't reload my usual chart template... and voila, I saw something that I've never seen before: a clean chart.

I decided to watch it for some minutes. After one minute I wasn't able to resist to fill it with some indicators... but something captured my attention. I watched the chart with other eyes, and I found about hundreds of ways to make profitable trades... I noticed that prices always break some known levels... I discovered supports and resistances!! (or them revelance?)

Anyway there were some problems...
On higher timeframe R/S breakouts could create failse signal... and there were some hours over the day with choppy market conditions, with so many false signals!
However, I checked some timeframes, smaller: M15 then M5 then M1 and then the 1 or 5 seconds timeframes... I noticed that in those timeframe false signals were much less...
With another two month study I finally found out that price volatility is high on market open hours... so the "choppy market" problem was solved. I could feel the smell of the holy grail!
What about exits?
I added to my chart another 12 indicator to spot the maximum profit possible every trade... with no success. No one idicator was perfect... so... I was angry again.
Then I asked myself: What happen if I'll try to close my positions without any indicator?
Ouch! At a first try I blew up my new account, but with some other demo training I understood how to close my position when price stalls... or on some other R/S levels, following the price action...
OMG, I was feeling the market, and the market was rewarding me!!!
You know this is a joke. I don't have a trade opened since the last year, lol.
Anyway, from this brief article (review) you can understand the revelance of trading using simple and easy methods, like R/S breakouts methods. By the way it's known that the real holy grail is only you. You are the one that can "feel" the market, you can judge much better than an indicator or a machine if a move is a strong trend or not. You are the only one that can "feel" the trend just monitoring the price action.
Don't waste your time adding indicator to your charts, just find the best timeframe, the best pair, the best trending maket and trade with basics. Indicators can help you sometimes, but you shouldn't use more than one or two indicator for your analysis.
Remember: discipline is the key.
Don't forget money managment.
You'll be also able to trade naked. No indicators. Endless profits.
Hope this helps.
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