About Me
Hi, my name is Andrea, and I am a trader. I started trading some years ago, engaged by the foreigh exchange market and the relative opportunities to make money with. After years of trading, I can still say that there's always much more that you think to learn from trading. I opened this website to share my experience and knowledge because I could never became a trader without the helps of other traders. Be a successful trader isn't easy. It's a mix of talent, skill, willpower and patience. The rules are simple, but very hard. But if you think you could do it well, try to do it at all costs.
In trading as in life, the main rule is never give up.
The first time I found out about trading I was only 15 years old. I can remember my first impression about it: I was confused, but so excited. In a first period I spent my freetime to grow my knowledge and try to find out a profitable way to trade. I tried to create my own trading methods, but all I could be able to do was to create some odd methods to blow up accounts.
Only after a lot of complete flops I created some profitable methods and I was finally be able to have small but constant gains. Something was changed in me. I realized that if you are a successful trader, you can really take profits with every systems, and even if you don't have one at all. Now I smile every time I remind me my first approach to the markets, because now I know that you don't need to waste your time trying to find the "holy grail", you just have to use your time to improve your trading skills. In my opinion learn how to be unemotionally is the hardest challenge on the way to became a trader. The psychological factor is very important...you always need to be logical and concentrated, and isn't easy. Someone says that only 2% of all traders will have a long-term success. I really do not know if this is true, but I can tell you why most of the traders give up. The reasons may apparently vary, but at the end there's only one true reason: They do not try enought. All you need to do to success is just to try one more time, don't forget it. In my trading career I've failed so much times, but this is why I succeed.
In the last years I was also attracted by automated trading, but I realized that this methodology is now overrated and It will need some more years to became enought efficent. I am still waiting neural networks and genetic algorithms to became more approchable. So, by now, the only way to have a long-term success in the forex market is to study hard, becoming a "trading master".
Someone will tell you trading is an easy thing. It's just a lie.
Yes, trading can be considered easy, but only when you really know how to do it.
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